[walmartrving] Walmart parking list?
vallartavicky@yahoo.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 14:47:35 UTC
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Halberstadt@mindspring.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 16:29:39 UTC
Certainly, VallartaVicky. There are two ways:
You can download it from the web site of this Yahoo discussion group. Go to the "Files" area of the web site, at:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/walmartrving/files https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/walmartrving/files

and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".


Go to the group's companion web site:
http://halberstadt.webmate.me/Walmart https://halberstadt.webmate.me/Walmart
and click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."

Bill Halberstadt

---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@yahoo.com> wrote :

I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Donald Russell russell.donaldrussell@gmail.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 17:03:52 UTC
As there seems to be so many Wal Marts changing their policy to "no
overnight parking," I can't help questioning the accuracy of this list
since it has apparently not been updated in 8 months.
Post by ***@mindspring.com [walmartrving]
You can download it from the web site of this Yahoo discussion group. Go
and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".
and click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."
Bill Halberstadt
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Donald Russell
Halberstadt@mindspring.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 17:19:27 UTC
A point well taken, Donald. My travels have increased in frequency and duration over the last few years, and my time to produce updates to the list has decreased. However, the overnight parking status hasn't changed very much, percentage-wise, for Walmarts (there are almost 4000 in the US). I have the following parking status updates on file pending the next revision:

NOP added for stores in West Memphis, AR; Lake City, FL; Godfrey, IL; Litchfield, IL; Bloomington, IN; Evergreen, CO; Ontario, OR; Tulsa, OK; and La Habra, CA.

NOP deleted for store in Grand Rapids, MI.

I do scan the other published sources occasionally, and the list here remains the best combination of completeness and accuracy (in my humble opinion).

Bill Halberstadt
Owner, WalmartRVing

---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@gmail.com> wrote :

As there seems to be so many Wal Marts changing their policy to "no overnight parking," I can't help questioning the accuracy of this list since it has apparently not been updated in 8 months.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 12:29 PM, ***@mindspring.com mailto:***@mindspring.com [walmartrving] <***@yahoogroups..com mailto:***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Certainly, VallartaVicky. There are two ways:

You can download it from the web site of this Yahoo discussion group. Go to the "Files" area of the web site, at:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/ groups/walmartrving/files https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/walmartrving/files

and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".


Go to the group's companion web site:
http://halberstadt.webmate.me/ Walmart https://halberstadt.webmate.me/Walmart
and click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."

Bill Halberstadt

---In ***@yahoogroups.com mailto:***@yahoogroups.com, <***@yahoo.com mailto:***@yahoo.com> wrote :

I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?

Donald Russell
Donald Russell russell.donaldrussell@gmail.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 18:34:41 UTC
Thanks Bill, it appears the NOP situation is not nearly as bad (yet) as I
Post by ***@mindspring.com [walmartrving]
A point well taken, Donald. My travels have increased in frequency and
duration over the last few years, and my time to produce updates to the
list has decreased. However, the overnight parking status hasn't changed
very much, percentage-wise, for Walmarts (there are almost 4000 in the US).
I have the following parking status updates on file pending the next
NOP added for stores in West Memphis, AR; Lake City, FL; Godfrey, IL;
Litchfield, IL; Bloomington, IN; Evergreen, CO; Ontario, OR; Tulsa, OK; and
La Habra, CA.
NOP deleted for store in Grand Rapids, MI.
I do scan the other published sources occasionally, and the list here
remains the best combination of completeness and accuracy (in my humble
Bill Halberstadt
Owner, WalmartRVing
As there seems to be so many Wal Marts changing their policy to "no
overnight parking," I can't help questioning the accuracy of this list
since it has apparently not been updated in 8 months.
You can download it from the web site of this Yahoo discussion group. Go
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/ groups/walmartrving/files
and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".
http://halberstadt.webmate.me/ Walmart
and click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."
Bill Halberstadt
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Donald Russell
Donald Russell
Rebeca Ryder hryder29@comcast.net [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 20:13:36 UTC
We recently drove our class B from Hattiesburg, MS to the Maritime provinces, visiting friends along the way, staying in campgrounds and overnighting at 15 different Walmarts. We stayed at one twice—- on the way up and back. The privilege of overnighting at Walmart is very much alive. In the past 6 years, we have stayed at well over 100 different locations. Just call ahead, be nice while there, do some shopping and we will probably be able to continue with this privilege.

BTW, we have been to Alaska 3 times in the past 6 years, staying at the Whitehorse Walmart each time. It was an experience and I fully understand why they are now going to be NOP.

Sent from my iPad
Thanks Bill, it appears the NOP situation is not nearly as bad (yet) as I thought.
Post by ***@mindspring.com [walmartrving]
NOP added for stores in West Memphis, AR; Lake City, FL; Godfrey, IL; Litchfield, IL; Bloomington, IN; Evergreen, CO; Ontario, OR; Tulsa, OK; and La Habra, CA.
NOP deleted for store in Grand Rapids, MI.
I do scan the other published sources occasionally, and the list here remains the best combination of completeness and accuracy (in my humble opinion).
Bill Halberstadt
Owner, WalmartRVing
As there seems to be so many Wal Marts changing their policy to "no overnight parking," I can't help questioning the accuracy of this list since it has apparently not been updated in 8 months.
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/ groups/walmartrving/files
and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".
http://halberstadt.webmate.me/ Walmart
and click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."
Bill Halberstadt
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Donald Russell
Donald Russell
thom lockamy tholoc38@gmail.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-17 01:15:24 UTC
I agree with Donald Rusell’s response
Post by ***@yahoo.com [walmartrving]
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me where I find it?
Bob Wexler wexlerbob@gmail.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-17 01:46:23 UTC
i have often commented that the Whitehorse Walmart parking lot was one of
the friendliest most active hustle bustle "RV Parks" I have visited in
nearly 50 years of RVing.

Bob Wexler
Post by thom lockamy ***@gmail.com [walmartrving]
I agree with Donald Rusell’s response
Post by ***@yahoo.com [walmartrving]
I would like to access your Walmart Parking List. Can you please tell me
where I find it?
Bob & Barbara Wexler
Independent Usana Associates
Gold Directors
Felizmarinero felizmarinero@yahoo.com [walmartrving]
2018-08-16 20:29:17 UTC
Bill, thank you for the hard work and. tremendous job you do on the list. It's a great resource and we use it constantly while traveling. The parking situation will constantly change, and will never be up to the minute. That's life!

-------- Original message --------
From: "***@mindspring.com [walmartrving]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 08/16/2018 12:19 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [walmartrving] Re: Walmart parking list?


A point well taken, Donald. My travels have increased in frequency and duration over the last few years, and my time to produce updates to the list has decreased. However, the overnight parking status hasn't changed very much, percentage-wise, for Walmarts (there are almost 4000 in the US). I have the following parking status updates on file pending the next revision:
NOP added for stores in West Memphis, AR; Lake City, FL; Godfrey, IL; Litchfield, IL; Bloomington, IN; Evergreen, CO; Ontario, OR; Tulsa, OK; and La Habra, CA.
NOP deleted for store in Grand Rapids, MI.
I do scan the other published sources occasionally, and the list here remains the best combination of completeness and accuracy (in my humble opinion).
Bill HalberstadtOwner, WalmartRVing
---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@gmail.com> wrote :

As there seems to be so many Wal Marts changing their policy to "no overnight parking," I can't help questioning the accuracy of this list since it has apparently not been updated in 8 months.
On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 12:29 PM, ***@mindspring.com [walmartrving] <***@yahoogroups..com> wrote:

 Certainly, VallartaVicky. There are two ways:
You can download it from the web site of this Yahoo discussion group. Go to the "Files" area of the web site, at:https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/ groups/walmartrving/files
and click on the folder "Walmart Parking List".
Go to the group's companion web site:http://halberstadt.webmate.me/ Walmartand click on "A list of all US Walmarts..."
Bill Halberstadt

---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@yahoo.com> wrote :

I would like to access your Walmart Parking List.  Can you please tell me where I find it?
Donald Russell

Posted by: ***@mindspring.com

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The primary reference this group uses (and updates via member reports)

is the Walmart Parking List, which can be found in the Files area of the web site for this group.

Go to: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/walmartrving/files

and click on the folder named Walmart Parking List.

A companion site for further information is http://halberstadt.macmate.me/Walmart

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